Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Disaster! almost

Eeek! Toady while Jason (luckily) was changing a diaper, the cabinet that we have over the changing pad that holds the diapers PULLED AWAY FROM THE WALL AND FELL. Jason caught the side that was over Leroy. I stared at this happening and was totally frozen for a few moments afterward. That really could have gone really badly. I'd like to think that if I had been changing the diaper I would have reacted and caught the thing too-superhuman mom strength and whatnot, but I just have to say that I'm glad that it wasn't me having to do it. I don't know what I would have done. I was a little freaked out after that happened. And Leroy didn't notice a thing, he continued happily smiling and sucking on his toes throughout...didnt even flinch.

Needless to say, this cabinet has NOT been re-hung and will not be going up back on the wall.

Monday, September 26, 2011

More Sleep

So, after the newborn stage...it got easy...then way more tricky.  At first it was fine. Leroy started waking up only once a night by the time he was 2 months old (he would sleep from 7-about 2 or 3, then sleep until 7 or 8) which was GREAT after getting up multiple times a night for a couple months (I know, quit whining, right? I agree). I swear the difference between getting up twice a night and only once a night to feed him was life-changing and awesome. I was definitely continuing the process of keeping the lights out and no talking or eye contact with Leroy at night, and he was amazingly pretty much going right back to sleep after he was done with his bottle all the time. We were still swaddling at this point (yay swaddle!). For a minute around 3 months I think I decided I wanted to transition him out of the swaddle, but it seemed like he wasn't sleeping the long stretches he was before, so I went back to it was was loving it again. I think I finally stopped at about 4 1/2 months when he was really just too strong for the velcro swaddle blankets and he would pop out of it right away.

I will say that for a little while we were using his baby swing a LOT. When he was first born he slept in it all the time. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but I was really sick when I went into labor (horrendous, phlegm producing coughing, super stuffy nose, no energy, etc.), so, there was not really any way to avoid Leroy getting the same awful sickness on...oh, day 2 of life. So even though it seemed like we were constantly trying to clear his nose out, it was still super clogged. It seemed like sleeping on an incline in the swing helped a lot, so that's where he slept. I did get him out of his swing and into a bassinet (it had a little vibrate button you could press on it so that he would still get some movement to soothe him to sleep initially) after the worst of the sickness was over at night...but naps stayed in the swing. In retrospect, maybe I should have transitioned him to napping in the bassinet, then the crib at the same time, but I didn't. Oops. Sleep crutch. More on that later.

During the day I really wanted to get on a by-the-clock schedule. I paid attention to when he seemed to get sleepy during the day for about a week and then started trying to steer him toward napping at the same times everyday until nap time was really nap time. He would wake up around 7 or 8, then his first nap was at 9:30 or 10 when I would put him in the BOB stroller we have and go for a walk/jog (since I was also feeling really gross about the size I still was, which rationally I know was totally normal, blah, blah blah), then nap number two was at 1. and this was very reliable at this time. Sometimes his first nap would be really long (i.e. 2-2 1/2 hours), but he would still want his 1 o'clock nap. Then he would nap again I think at 3:30 or 4 and this last one was in his vibrating bouncy chair and was a little more difficult. If I'm remembering right I think we would usually have to bounce him while letting him suck on one of our fingers. But, he was napping. And even now, as long as Leroy gets his sleep, he is a happy baby.

Friday, September 23, 2011

And one more thing

The squealing! I forgot to mention the high-pitched adorable squealing that you do now! Are you trying to talk? I have no idea, but it's super cute :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dear Baby Leroy

You are 7 1/2 months now and all of a sudden you look so much older and, I swear, have totally changed again. We just got back from visiting all your family in the Bay Area and had a great (and exhausting) time. We went swimming in the pool-when I put you on your tummy you kick your chunky little legs and it is super cute, we visited a ton with your cousins Bella and Lucas-Bella is so cute she always wants to hold your hand and give you kisses, and you started really laughing uncontrollably...but only at your Dad. You just love him so much and think he is HILARIOUS. He can make you start laughing for ten minutes straight like nobody else can (not even me, and believe me I've tried). He shakes his head or opens his mouth or just gives you a funny look and you love it.

You also have started to give us little squeezes back when we hug you, sometimes anyway. I suppose this could just be in my head, but I really don't care at all. And this morning while we were having our enforced (by me) cuddle time between your bottle and video you were sitting on my lap and looked at me, then leaned your little head down and rested it on my chest and gave me the best cuddle ever. I was loving it. There is still no crawling or walking...or signs of it, but I could not care less. You are seeming to get more interested in your books. I am happy to read to you as much as you want (right now anyway, we'll see how I feel when you want to hear The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the tenth time in a row), and you seem like you're actually paying attention for a minute or two before you shove the book into your mouth.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sleep Time

Leroy has always been a good sleeper and has been sleeping through the night for a couple months now. So, a friend of mine asked what the heck did I do to get this? Well, I know at least part (probably most) of it is that Leroy likes sleep. When we first brought him home from the hospital, it seemed like that was really all he wanted to do--to the detriment of his (then) scrawny little self. Leroy was 7 lbs 5 oz when he was born, and dropped down to 6 lbs 10 oz by day 4 because he just didn't even want to wake up to eat. This has definitely changed since then because now he is a whopping 21 lbs at a little over 7 months old.

So, unfortunately for those reading this and trying to get their babies to sleep, Leroy does just like to sleep, but those who know me know that I can go a little crazy and I definitely read about 8 million articles about baby sleep because as hard as being a parent is, i think it would be about 38 times harder without sleep.

So after the longest ever intro, here is what I can remember of what I did to get a good sleeper:

-Even in the beginning I read that babies need to learn the difference between night and day. During the day when Leroy would sleep we had him sleep in his bouncy chair in the living room with us, with the lights on and usually the tv/music/etc too and when I wanted to show him that it was night time, the lights came down and everything got quieter in the house. This is clearly easier to do with only one baby in the house, but I'm hoping it won't be too hard with two. After a couple months of this it was obvious that he had learned the difference between day and night and he started napping in his room that was dimmed during the day.

-at bedtime (which to be honest I can't remember how we settled on at first, I think it was just whenever he started getting sleepy around 7...also bedtime has changed a couple of times now...more on that in a bit) instead of doing a normal feeding out in the living room, Leroy got a diaper change, changed into his pjs, and got his bottle in his very quiet and mostly dark room with no eye contact (apparently when they are very young and can't do very much, even just eye contact perks them up). Then he got swaddled and put down. This was in our room for a little while, but I had to move him into his own room pretty quickly because he was a very noisy sleeper and I was constantly waking up to look at him because of a grunt, etc and most of the time he was still sleeping.

-the swaddling also helped a lot. We would swaddle him up super tight so he wouldn't whack himself in the head and wake himself up for no reason. At first we just used regular blankets, then he got too strong for those so we moved to the blankets with the Velcro on them...at some point we also wrapped an ace bandage around him on top of the swaddle, but that was definitely the most annoying to put on & take off of him when it was time for a diaper change/feeding.

-at night feedings, this should all stay the same. I got a dimmer switch for the light in the baby room and would turn it on to the minimum amount of light I could change a diaper with, then get him positioned with his bottle and turn off the light completely while he ate. For a while we couldn't figure out why Leroy would go right back to sleep (usually) when I fed him but would be up for a while when Jason would take a shift. Turns out, Jason was watching tv while leroy ate and the light/sounds woke him up to much and he just couldn't settle back down right away.

I think this is all I can remember for that first newborn stage, but I'll write some more about the later months too...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

maybe a sprinkle of ambien will work?

The naps are seriously starting to get to me. Leroy has always been a good sleeper (AND FOR THAT I AM VERY GRATEFUL THANK YOU SLEEP GODS), but lately he is just not cooperating with his naps. So a week or so ago I went to get him up from a nap in his lamb swing, and he has gotten too something for it because he had apparently sat up and grown himself forward and to the side and was still sleeping but hanging mostly out of the swing...so I figure naps in the swing are done.

Ok, not too big a deal, right? He sleeps at night in his crib, he'll get used to it I'm sure. And at first it was really going ok. Sure, the naps were shorter, but I was pretty much expecting that and figured they would get longer again as he got used to it. BUT, now he really does not want to fall asleep in his crib. We have a little play swing out in the backyard that he really likes, so he falls asleep in there and then I transfer him to his crib and it was fine. WAS. FINE. No longer. Now as soon as I get into his room the eyes are wide open and he is PISSED if I put him in his crib (even though he had just been asleep a moment earlier).

Um...advice? Should I try to figure out a nap routine? Does anyone have one? I really don't want it to get too crazy long...Should I just let him cry in the crib for a few minutes? Suck it up and stop complaining about a baby that still sleeps through the night? All suggestions are welcome!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Oh no

Baby Leroy, you are already 6 1/2 months old and you have changed so much since the little lump you started out as. I realized today that I've already forgotten a bunch of the adorable little quirks that you used to do and have now grown out of.

That said, your current favorite thing to do is stare at your dad or me while we shake your heads, then nod, then shake, then nod...quickly. It kind of makes us dizzy (and your dad want to throw up a little), but this makes you laugh so hard and it is too friggin cute for words. Half the time when we shake our heads and wait a minute, you'll shake your head too.

We have a lovely morning routine that you seem to like and I know I love. You wake up and I make your bottle and some coffee for me while you watch your under the sea soothie thing in your crib. Then when i come to change your diaper, you give me the biggest smiles ever and wave your hands and kick your feet. Even when i REALLY do not feel Ike getting up in the morning, this is so cute I'm always smiling by this point. You eat your bottle then it's time for cuddles. I may like this part more than you, but you put up with it so I'm going to continue it for as long as I can. After I've gotten as many cuddles as I can squeeze out of you, you get to watch your 'Your Babay Can Read' video and I get approximately 27 minutes and 30 seconds of free time to do whatever I want. Then I tuck you into the moby wrap and we take Roscoe for a walk around the neighborhood until you fall asleep, then into your swing for the first nap of the day, which is usually the longest one.

Your favorite sound to make is ridiculous fart noises while you blow spit bubbles. It is ridiculous.

Love you so much boo boo bear

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Last Friday I woke up with the worst neck pain I think I've ever had. I couldn't look right at all, driving was not a very safe endeavor, luckily for me I didnt need to drive anywhere with baby while I was like this, so now, my neck is juuuust about better, and I am sick. Runny nose, headache, sore throat, no voice, coughing up mucus (pretty picture, right?) sick. And alone since Jason is working today. Luckily there are no overtime shifts in the immediate future, so he'll be at home tomorrow, but this mothering thing is no fun when you have no energy and don't feel good. Because there is definitely still stuff that needs to get done-dishes (bottles at least), playing with the baby, which is very hands on when he can't really do that much stuff. It has been a very tiring day for sure.

However, in better news I have a fantastic wedding coming up that I get to go to. may 14th is going to be a great day, and this wedding has really given me a goal to work towards with my workouts since I haven't seen pretty much anyone that's going to be there since I've had the baby. But instead of kicking it into overdrive as it nears, I'm having to stop and try to get better, first my neck and now the rest of me. What a bummer...could an investment in some spans be in my future? Has anyone (anyone reading obviously anyone in the world has tried them) tried these? Do they do that annoying thing where they start to roll down and get all bunched up and just give you muffin tops in strange locations???

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cloth Diapers

I am cloth diapering. And no, not using a diaper service. The main reason I wanted to do this is the cost, which is WAY lower than disposable diapers, but it's also nice that I'm not throwing away bag after bag of dirty diapers each week--we used disposable for a couple of weeks until baby grew into the one-size diapers we have and I was amazed at how much trash this generated. I was also bummed about the diaper rash that developed in his poor little butt. This has also gone away since switching to cloth.

I chose BumGenius Elemental One Size All In Ones because I didn't want to mess with inserts and I definitely didn't want to have to buy a new set of diapers every time baby grew into a new size. I found them in a set of 18 that come along with a diaper sprayer that hooks up to the toilet, some little washcloths that can be used as reusable wipes, and some disposable liners for the diapers (think the same material as a dryer sheet, but obviously, without any dryer sheet chemicals/scent on them). The liners are really nice because they catch most of the mess of a poop diaper, but I will admit, there usually is still some on the sides of the diaper, and then it can just be thrown away. The mess that remains gets rinsed off into the toilet and flushed, and the diaper goes into the diaper pail, just like any diaper would.

I wash a load of diapers about every other day, not too bad I have to say. And I think the diapers themselves are really cute and you can order them in whatever colors you want.

And, no when baby goes to the bathroom, the diaper does not leak. From my experience with both kinds, it seems like the disposables had more accidents than the cloth ones do...

Anyway, I cannot recommend cloth diapers enough.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Official

I have now sent in my 2 week notice at my work so that I can be a stay at home mom. It's kind of a crazy feeling. No more getting up to leave the house to go to work. No more accounting/monthly deadlines/vague work requests that I have to try to interpret and get right.

Now I just have figuring out a baby/hourly deadlines (you know, for things like feeding, diaper changing, and napping)/vague occasional crying with seemingly no cause to try to interpret and get right. But I can't wait.

People always say that they didn't know they could love someone so much as their baby. And I really do love him, but I have to say I love him about as much as I thought I would. But e difference is the complete and total responsibility that goes along with it. I'm the one he relies on (most of the time) just to stay alive. He can't feed himself, or go to the bathroom, or even move from one spot without my help and I think that is what makes the difference between this relationship and every other. His complete reliance really does make you have a crazy bond with him that makes you super protective.

I can't wait to try to figure it all out.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Moving on

So the madness has now stopped. No more pumping four times a day with tiny results. No more beating myself up four times a day (at least) because there must have been something I was doing wrong. I have now officially moved on to formula only and I am finally fine with it.

Also telling me I've made the right decision: the weaning process, that is, weaning the pump of course. I've heard it can be a process that takes kind of a while. Slowly tapering off, decreasing slowly to avoid engorgement which can be really painful. Me? I just stopped. Completely. No issues at all. Yeah, I wasn't quite making the production one would hope for.

And now I have more time with baby Leroy, more happy hours in the day, more sanity. I am so relieved I finally made the decision.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Now what?

So I love my little baby Leroy. But goodness, do the days just stretch out in front of me like a never ending void to fill...I have a pretty good routine for the morning segment, get up, feed baby, change clothes, activity mat time, me workout, go for a run/walk with the baby & Roscoe, then it's time for lunch...then...more activity mat? Some assisted sitting? He just can't do that many things yet, but I feel like he must be bored with this stuff. Also I'm trying not to put him inn his bouncy chair or swing too much because the doctor pointed out that the back of his head is flat...but he gets so pissed after a little bit of tummy time. Is there're some magical 2 month old baby activity that I don't know about that will occupy his attention and not contribute to a mis-shapen head?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

On my way

So I recently found a great workout website: toneitup.com these two girls make workout videos for you tube, and I love the cost of free :). I've done a couple of the workouts so far and they are great, my abs are already sore. Hopefully I'll be in some cute summer dresses (or just my old clothes) before too long...

Friday, April 8, 2011

A fun new goal to work towards

So yesterday I was looking for a present and finally went to a little store around the corner from my house and OH MY GOD IT HAS THE CUTEST STUFF IN THERE. And it's not even expensive. It's closeout designer stuff and I wanted EVERYTHING in there. Sadly though, I'm still about 20 pounds heavier than I was pre-pregnancy, so here is my new goal for weight loss (buy everything in that store). And I'm really working on it. Leroy, Roscoe, and I go for walks every other day and I'm doing some workout videos on most of the other days too...but so far I'm still the same weight! So bitter. I'm definitely going to continue, since not only do I really want to be smaller, but I have a fantastic wedding to go to in about a month and I would really like to be smaller for that too...we'll see I guess.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And on a lighter note

I will start this by saying that I have an iPhone, and it's great, I really like it. I also have an iPad that I got at my office baby shower and I'm totally loving that too-hey, I'm using it right now. But I hate those new iPhone commercials.

"if you don't have an iPhone, then you don't have an iPhone"

SO pretentious. Dear Apple: this is why people are so annoyed by you. Because you're so pretentious. I can't wait for this ad campaign to be over...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Deep Breath

I've been feeling some pressure lately...and by lately, of course I mean the last ten and a half months. I have read book after book, guide after guide, website after website, and blog after blog trying to figure out what to do as a mom, what all my options are and trying to decide which one I actually want to do. Because as much as I enjoy work outside the house, I've kind of always felt that this is the most important job I'll have and I've hoped that this is the one that I'll be the best at.

So in all of my reading, all of talking to everyone (even the formula companies agree) that breastfeeding is the way to go and that it has tons of benefits for babies. All of my plans included this for the first nine months to a year of Leroy's life.


In the hospital I wasn't really producing milk yet, which was still normal. I discovered that I have flat nipples (over-share much? Oops), apparently really flat nipples so Leroy couldn't latch on. I tried nipple shields of various sizes and Leroy hated them. Really hated them. So I went to pumping. I started off every 3 hours, pumping when baby ate, and that started to (slowly at first, then increasingly so) disintegrate my nipples. To be honest the pain was ridiculous. Jason was constantly trying to talk me out of continuing, but I didn't want to stop. We went to see the lactation consultant at the pediatrician's office. A few times. I had to slow down the pumping to 3 times a day at first so I could heal (who knew-bleeding nipples, not so fun). I'm at 4 times a day now, but when I try to do it more often, the pain starts to come back again. I'm taking the same prenatal vitamins, as well as blessed thistle and fenugreek to try to increase my milk supply, but it seems like I'm drying up anyway. I'm only getting 1 or 1.5 ounces each time I pump, which definitely does NOT even start to make a dent in the amount of milk Leroy drinks in a day.

All this pain, all this effort, all of these hours of my life and it's just going nowhere. I'm failing. And it seems like nothing that I do is making a difference. And I know this just makes me spoiled, but I've never really failed at anything that I've tried really hard at. Definitely not this hard. I'm drying up and I don't know what to do.

It seems like that is the second question that anyone asks too. 1) how old is he? 2) are you breastfeeding? And these are strangers! Jason and I have just started lying because it's easier.

I just don't want to accept defeat. Once Jason is at home again we're going to try to get Leroy to latch on again, but I really don't know how much longer I can try. If you can't tell, what I'm saying is that I'm frustrated and disappointed. And I feel like I should be doing better for Leroy.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

...and let's see how this goes

Today is my second day at home alone with baby Leroy. Jason is on his second day of a 48 hour shift, which means tonight will be my 3rd straight night of solo baby feedings...3rd night in a stretch of 7, since this 48 hour shift is at the beginning of a new segment (Jason usually works 24 hours at a time, every other day for 3 shifts, then gets 4 days off). So, since he has to wake up all night, potentially, at work, I take the nights before he goes into work as well, which totally makes sense when you think about it, but is perhaps kind of crazy in practice...who knows, it's going ok so far, but I guess we'll have to chat again come night 6 or 7.

Additionally, I'm trying really hard not to be a baby hermit, where I just stay in the house for days on end. Today we went to Target, and visited Jason at work, since his station is only a couple of miles away from the house. However, some days it is just too much of a chore to get everything together to leave.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Way More Effective Than Any Alarm

Ok, so I realized that I would be changing a lot of diapers for baby Leroy. I even knew to watch out for pee (those boys are sneaky), and I've done a pretty good job of it so far-Jason is the one who usually gets peed on to tell you the truth, but I did not realize that I was in store for this.

So I'm changing the baby, slightly groggy since it's 4:30 in the morning, and I clean him off, grab his new diaper and adjust about to slide it under him when there is a loud noise cming from the table and, what's this? My hand is now covered in hot goop (and not the kind Gweneth is talking about). OH MY GOD IT'S PROJECTILE POOP. Because it was not just poop. None got on the changing table even though that's where his little butt was, it's all over my hand and arm instead. And for those of you blessedly not familiar, it is oddly sticky. And leaves a sticky residue even after I've done a surgeon-style scrub up to my elbows.so that was my awesome wake up call this morning...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Month Down, One Million To Go...

Well, no posts for a while, but I think I have a pretty good excuse :). Now that I have officially been a mom for a month, I am really loving it, but there have definitely been some hard times as well. First, Leroy is adorable and such a good baby. He's not very fussy and is a pretty good sleeper (most of the time), even though that means that he sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time, so we still need to get up a few times in the middle of the night...and that is not that easy. But, he has big blue eyes that melt my little heart when he stares up at me.

He loves going for walks with me, either in him moby wrap (which is awesome) or in his stroller (we got a BOB, that we also love-super easy to steer and much less bumpy than other strollers), and I'm liking the walks too, it really helps to leave the house, and I'm sure the activity isn't hurting the pounds that are still waiting to come off. It also doesn't hurt that because I'm in LA, it's about 75 degrees outside.

We've had some issue with latching on during breastfeeding, so I've been pumping and giving him breast milk that way, which is kind of a bummer, but he seems happy and healthy, so how bad can it be?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Last Day

Today is my last day of work.  Very crazy, it doesn’t seem any different than any other day yet.  I suppose it will start to sink in when I don’t wake up to go to work on Monday or Tuesday (etc), but it really does just seem like a normal Friday. 
But I am SICK.  AGAIN.  Apparently Jason did not get my sickness, he got some other sickness that he then passed on to me while I was taking care of him.  I suppose that is the difference.  If this was just another Friday and not my LAST FRIDAY, there is no way I would have come into work today because I feel like poo.  I will definitely be embarking on a lovely weekend-full of nada, just rest and emergen-C and TV.
I also had my last ultrasound appointment yesterday (nothing was wrong, just checking up on how big he is).  I really thought that I would get to see really good pictures of him since he’s so developed now, but I was wrong.  He’s actually so big now that they can’t get a good shot of him at all because they can’t get enough of him in the picture.  There may have been a good shot of his face possible, but he’s facing backwards (which is actually good for the birth, but come on baby, where are the picture posing skills?).  I guess I’ll take a bad pose for a better position for labor…
Still pending on that though (the labor, that is).  No contractions or even fake contractions (Braxton Hicks) yet…

Monday, February 7, 2011

Final Countdown...

So today starts the official countdown of my last week of work before baby time—super crazy, only 5 days left.  I don’t quite know what I’m going to do with myself at home, because since the last post we have awesome new appliances, a functioning kitchen that I used this weekend to make cheesecake bars and lemon bars for a super bowl party, I’ve installed the car seat base in my car, and the house is actually pretty clean right now…that doesn’t mean that I’m actually READY ready, but superficially ready anyway.
Not that that remotely affected my ability to sleep from 3:45-5:30 this morning.  So I’m super alert and chipper right now.  Luckily, this week is half days only, so I only need to make it till around noon (actually a little before since I start work at 7), so I can go home and take care of sick Jason at home.  He is currently completely wiped out on the couch, having taken his second round (since last night) of NyQuil, and I left him this morning set up with peanut butter & jelly toast, water, emergen-C, all the remotes, a movie playing, my iPad (since I downloaded fake Risk for him to play), and his laptop.  So I feel like he should be set for a few hours.  To be honest I don’t know how he isn’t going to be dead to the world until I get back home since he took NyQuil, I mean, I realize that he is much bigger than me, but whenever I’ve taken NyQuil, it knocks me out cold for hours and hours.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Ok, so I realize I should have seen this coming, but I just came to a realization yesterday and it kind of freaked me out. 

So I've been going through this whole pregnancy decorating and not eating the things I'm not supposed to and registering for stuff and whatnot, but the due date has always been some date far off in the future--but I realized yesterday that THE BABY COULD ACTUALLY BE BORN AT ANY TIME NOW. Yes, it's not quite at the +/- 2 weeks around the February 24th due date, but the baby would likely be perfectly healthy if it were born now. And I have to say I'm pretty freaked out by that. Partly because as the due date approaches I'm kind of nervous for, you know, actually getting the baby out of me. Partly because then I'm going to have to take care of a baby, and, you know, not screw it up.  And my floors at home right now: dirty from the mini kitchen redo that Jason is working on.  And I won't have a stove until Thursday.  And I keep forgetting to install the car seat base in my car.  And so on.  Maybe this is why I couldn't sleep last night...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Holy Crap!

So I just got done with my super fun work baby shower, and what a lovely day for it--sunny and 80 in January :).  And we played some games (baby word scramble, fill in the blank with candy names, and the ever popular guess the candy bar that's smashed up in the diaper)--and my office bought me an iPad!  I am so excited!  My laptop at home is just not what it once was at all.  A while back it got a virus, so then I reinstalled everything, but it just hasn't been the same.  When I try to scroll down on any page, it doesn't go smoothly, just kind of reloads after a few seconds and takes forever to load...BUT NO LONGER!  I am now super fancy!  I'm going to have to start dressing fancier and being way cooler in general...but here's the question:  I got the 16gb (which, thank you work, that is AMAZING), but do I need to upgrade it to the 32 or 64?  Thoughts anyone (other than the obvious jealousy, of course)?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Oh, hello not thank you cards

There is definitely something wrong with me.  I'm usually so efficient with my thank you notes, I get them out in record time, I swear, but I just can't bring myself to start writing the thank you notes for the awesome baby shower I had for all the awesome things that people brought me.  Even though I am very thankful for all the gifts that I got (thank you everyone!).  Instead I've been doing really exciting stuff like reading endless books about how not to have a jerky baby and trying to find new ways to sit/lie down so that those things can be done in a way that isn't super uncomfortable, and writing a blog post right now in order to try to put them off a little bit longer...

Also--3 more weeks of work!  So crazy, the 15 (business) day countdown is officially on!

Friday, January 14, 2011

LA Baby Shower

Had another great day this past weekend at Shannon's house at a baby shower thrown by Laura--thanks Laura!  here are some highlights of the cute bird decor:

Everyone had fun making quilt squares and trying to figure out nursury rhyme trivia:

And of course all the food that I pretty much pigged out on the whole time...

Although, sadly, I did have to pass on this:

I got so much great stuff and had so much fun with everyone, thanks to everyone who could make it!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why must sleeping be done lying down?

So, what's up with this crippling hip pain?  I'm mostly fine during the day, you know, unless I try to do something really crazy like to go Restaurant Depot and Costco in the same day, where I am then completely wiped out for pretty much the rest of the day.  But really, I've been so wild and crazy, what was I expecting?  But at night, lying in bed, I dread having to turn over because it feels like my lower half is just going to fall off at the hip bone--the left side of me at least.  (and I know, I know, it could be so much worse, I could be on bed rest, or worse worse worse, but it is pretty painful and annoying). 

Yes, I have one of those giant pillows that takes up the whole bed, and it helps, but I think if I wasn't using it I'd just be paralyzed instead of in the amount of pain I'm in now...So, internet, build me a contraption so that I don't have to lie on either side at night?  Please?

Also, had a fabulous LA baby shower thrown by Laura & hosted by Shannon...more on that as soon as I get it together and copy pictures onto my computer :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh, Look...and other stuff

I was in the most confusing situation that turned completely back to normal by the end of the night yesterday.  So Roscoe, most adorable dog in the world:
got an eye infection last week.  I took him to the vet (on New Year's Eve and I have to say I was pretty surprised that they were open) and got him some medicine...and the whole trip which took about 20 minutes, but which did include the medicine, was $140!  I really need to find a more economical vet.  Anyway, Roscoe has to get this medicine (which is not a liquid, mind you, it's more of a gel consistency) squirted in his eyes 3 times a day and then smushed around so as to disburse it.  However, since I give him a treat after he gets his medicine, and because Roscoe loves treats so much, I swear he looks forward to getting globby gel smushed around in his eyes.  I call out "medicine time" and Roscoe comes running and jumps onto my lap (I know, I'm very spoiled).

Yesterday morning I gave Roscoe his first dose of medicine and then set the tube of stuff on the coffee table before I went to work.  No problem.  I figured why would Roscoe mess with it, it's not food, and seemingly not fun to chew on.  But when I got home from work, and went to give Roscoe his second dose of the day, the medicine was not on the coffee table.  It was not under the coffee table.  It was not in one of the drawers of the coffee table.  It was not under the couch or bookshelf or in the cushions of the couch or under Roscoe's pillow or on the dining room floor, bathroom floor, kitchen floor, etc.  I looked ALL OVER.  Granted, all over isn't that big since our house is actually tiny, but when you're bending over and looking under things and getting back up again and you're giant sized, it seems a lot bigger.  It wasn't anywhere.  And this is super special $140 medicine--WHERE COULD IT BE???  So I gave up for a bit, and a few hours later, Roscoe comes prancing into the living room carrying the medicine from who knows where he stashed it, not chewed up or harmed in any way and looks at me like...hello, where's my treat already?

Monday, January 3, 2011


Over the weekend I FINALLY made the second set of curtains for the baby's room and covered a pillow and added ties to it for a seat cushion for the rocking chair...SO I AM NOW DONE WITH THE BABY'S ROOM!  I'd put up pictures, but it pretty much looks the same as the pictures I posted last time, just look at the picture with the curtains in it, and then, imagine it a second time above the fire truck :). 

Also, totally getting pumped for my second baby shower this weekend.  That's right, I'm super spoiled, I get two, so look forward to pictures from that, I anticipate greatness from Laura!

In other news, it really has been raining in LA WAY too often and been WAY too cold lately.  It's like I actually need a heater and rain gear and what not.  And I know rain isn't that big a deal, but when you live in a city that was not built to accommodate (I really almost spelled that very wrong, thank you google, I did not mean accomedate--I blame the baby for that really awful almost mis-spell) the rain, it's totally a bigger deal.  1) the puddles on the side of the road near the gutter totally go almost all the way across the road. and nothing drains properly and of course, 2) no one knows how to drive in rain (although I suppose because of point #1 it IS harder, but still), and 3) mostly because I started making a list and without at least 3 things on it it really does look pretty pathetic, I really thought the rain was over this time and straightened my hair and it's just so much harder in the rain...I suppose I'll just have to invest in some rain gear.