Hmmm...what on earth happened to all those daily posts I've been writing over the holiday? Oh, that's right I just suck at life and didn't do any since last week...
So things are going pretty good here, not too much to complain about. I have some hip pain that is a big pain in the butt when I'm trying to sleep, but since that is by far my worst complaint, I know that I'm actually having a very good pregnancy.
I am also officially in the Dr appointment every two weeks portion of the pregnancy (instead of once a month)...seems so crazy, like I've been pregnant forever, and for no time at all. I also have my second glucose test to make sure I still don't have gestational diabetes this week--can't wait for that crazy Kool-Aid again (which by the way is what they make you drink, then take your blook 1 hour later--it's really not a reference to any sort of brainwashing of any kind, I swear).
Also, whoops, I've totally already gained a little over 30 pounds--and I still have 2 months to go. So I'm just going to take that whole 25-35 "normal" range of weight gain as another one of those "aiming too high" expectations and just go with it and worry about taking those pounds off later. But I have to say a post-pregnancy workout dvd I got for Christmas is really helping me out with the super-not-worrying-about-it-ness because the girl in the video said that she gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, so I'm all set. (Who knows if that's actually true or just something she's saying to try to be "relatable" and make you not hate her even though she has the body of an 18 year old. I want to believe it, so I will now ignore the fact that it could just be made up).
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Leroy Adam
And I think we have decided on Leroy Adam (although, I swear Jason had already decided on Robert Leroy...). I agree with everyone in the end, 2 names is no good. And now with Jason getting his ultimate name, I get naming rights on the second baby whether it's a boy or girl :)...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Look Baby Room Progress!
So, apparently I'm taking the slow and steady approach to this baby room...but there has been progress. Here are the birds/whole wall treatment perhaps finished...
Do you think the birds look "birdy" enough? Also, check out the super cute owl blanket I got from my sister at the Bay Area baby shower :)
And here's some more new stuff:
There was a bit of a dilemma for a minute because I wanted that cubby thing from Ikea, but they only sell them in 2x4 , which was too big for that spot, or 2x2 which was too small, so I found the Ikea Hack blog which was very helpful and figured out that Jason could just cut the extra cubby off, so now I have my dream-size cubby shelf thing. So exciting for me. Also, the cutest fire engine ever from my Mom :).
And I suppose this picture is also up already, mostly, but there are new (I think) curtains in the background and a cute blanket/ground pad thing on the chair now:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
oh no, HIM?
So I had the weirdest dream the other night. I really like the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but of course I wouldn't actually want to know any of the people on that show, since they're all horrible, horrible people.
So, I'm dreaming. I've had the baby and his father walks into the room...only it's Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Oops on my part I guess. And he's the most crazy one--he eats cat food and pees in buckets! So in the dream I think to myself
"Really? Why would I have had that dude be the father of my baby? What was I thinking? He's going to have to be around FOREVER???"
So I look over at Charlie playing with the baby and he is for some reason making turkey noises at the baby, and inexplicably, this made me think
"Oh, well good, maybe this will work out ok...he'll be a good dad"
BUT WHY WOULD TURKEY NOISES LEAD ME TO BELIEVE THAT? I hope I don't have to start questioning my future parenting skills...
So, I'm dreaming. I've had the baby and his father walks into the room...only it's Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Oops on my part I guess. And he's the most crazy one--he eats cat food and pees in buckets! So in the dream I think to myself
"Really? Why would I have had that dude be the father of my baby? What was I thinking? He's going to have to be around FOREVER???"
So I look over at Charlie playing with the baby and he is for some reason making turkey noises at the baby, and inexplicably, this made me think
"Oh, well good, maybe this will work out ok...he'll be a good dad"
BUT WHY WOULD TURKEY NOISES LEAD ME TO BELIEVE THAT? I hope I don't have to start questioning my future parenting skills...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Very Needy Today
Ok, one more time--please comment, anyone who reads this, you must have an opinion one way or the other. I promise not to think you're stalking me even if we don't talk that often (or ever, and I don't even know you) and you comment...which is totally something that I assume people will think about me if I comment on something, because I'm kind of a crazy person, but which is mostly the reason I'm just a lurker on blogs and not, you know, a contributing member and whatnot.
So, baby names. It's a boy (if you couldn't already tell from the baby shower pictures). I thought we had decided on a name (and by we, I mean Jason pretty much got to pick, but I have veto power): Robert Leroy Parker. Which was fine, I didn't LOVE the name Robert (no offense to any Roberts out there), but I was fine with it, and Jason for some reason inexplicably LOVES the name Leroy. And it's his Grandpa's middle name. And he's also using it to honor his awesome Great Uncle Leo, who I, unfortunately, never got to meet, but that's beside the point. Also, it's the real name of Butch Cassidy, like, the whole thing, "Robert Leroy Parker".
So, in conclusion, I thought we had decided on a name, but really this was actually the second place name because I had previously vetoed Leroy as a first name. But then on the drive back to LA from the Bay Area, Jason had a nice solid 6 hours to wear me down (what a pushover I am). So now, he's proposing Leroy Charles Parker, and of course there is justification for this one too:
He is identifiying the caveat that I can just call him Charlie (which I really like and which is the first name of MY really awesome Great Uncle), and since I will call him Charlie and Jason will call him Leroy, he'll just get to pick which name he likes better for his friends, etc. to call him later. So, why "Leroy Charles" and not "Charles Leroy"? Well, that is the exact name of his Grandpa, which he thinks is too much, you know, wants to honor him, but not quite with the whole thing. I don't know, I'm definitely considering this much more than before because I really do like the name Charlie. Also, as Jason pointed out, when I do use his first name ("Leroy Charles Parker, get in here!") he will know that I seriously mean business and that he had better start wtih the explaining and whatnot, which is kind of true and cute. Jason really wants to bring this name out of retirement...
So, baby names. It's a boy (if you couldn't already tell from the baby shower pictures). I thought we had decided on a name (and by we, I mean Jason pretty much got to pick, but I have veto power): Robert Leroy Parker. Which was fine, I didn't LOVE the name Robert (no offense to any Roberts out there), but I was fine with it, and Jason for some reason inexplicably LOVES the name Leroy. And it's his Grandpa's middle name. And he's also using it to honor his awesome Great Uncle Leo, who I, unfortunately, never got to meet, but that's beside the point. Also, it's the real name of Butch Cassidy, like, the whole thing, "Robert Leroy Parker".
So, in conclusion, I thought we had decided on a name, but really this was actually the second place name because I had previously vetoed Leroy as a first name. But then on the drive back to LA from the Bay Area, Jason had a nice solid 6 hours to wear me down (what a pushover I am). So now, he's proposing Leroy Charles Parker, and of course there is justification for this one too:
He is identifiying the caveat that I can just call him Charlie (which I really like and which is the first name of MY really awesome Great Uncle), and since I will call him Charlie and Jason will call him Leroy, he'll just get to pick which name he likes better for his friends, etc. to call him later. So, why "Leroy Charles" and not "Charles Leroy"? Well, that is the exact name of his Grandpa, which he thinks is too much, you know, wants to honor him, but not quite with the whole thing. I don't know, I'm definitely considering this much more than before because I really do like the name Charlie. Also, as Jason pointed out, when I do use his first name ("Leroy Charles Parker, get in here!") he will know that I seriously mean business and that he had better start wtih the explaining and whatnot, which is kind of true and cute. Jason really wants to bring this name out of retirement...
No, not the super hippy stuff...
So Jason asked me the other night when we were about to go to sleep what I'm actually expecting from him when I'm in labor. Since we're taking those super fun childbirth classes and some of the stuff is a bit too much for me, so definitely too much for Jason (ok, now, breathe in a 2-4-3 pattern! And add noises! Now switch noises every time Jason touches you in a different spot!!!). The basics are great and whatnot (slow down your breathing, continue to breathe, walk around, etc), so this is basically what I told him, but apparently I was not being very clear.
"So what do you want me to do?"
"You know, just the basic stuff, rub my back if it starts hurting, get me ice chips"
"But, what else?"
"I'm not sure, I haven't really been in labor before..."
"So, what else?"
"hmmm, I don't know, do you want to read one of the books I have?"
"Ok, just read these 8 pages, it is literally labelled 'What should Dad do in the hospital' and it's 8 pages"
(this book, of course being my 5th book about pregnancy/babies during my pregnancy).
Then the next day after having read all 8 pages as requested:
"Oh, it's like they stold that chapter out of my head."
So, now I think we're on the same page with what I expect in the labor process which is great and whatnot. Although I am not requesting a present, which was in the book...although maybe I'll get permission to buy a fancy pair of brown flat boots (I'm thinking riding boot style). But--dilema--I feel like I've been casually looking for some of these for a while and haven't actually been able to find that perfect pair. Also, by fancy I mean definitely under $200, preferably under $150, but I think I will be getting some help to pay for these for Christmas. So, audience, any leads on awesome brown riding boots???? I'm pretty firm on the flat part, since I will be chasing babies around and do not anticipate wanting to put on heels in the near future...
"So what do you want me to do?"
"You know, just the basic stuff, rub my back if it starts hurting, get me ice chips"
"But, what else?"
"I'm not sure, I haven't really been in labor before..."
"So, what else?"
"hmmm, I don't know, do you want to read one of the books I have?"
"Ok, just read these 8 pages, it is literally labelled 'What should Dad do in the hospital' and it's 8 pages"
(this book, of course being my 5th book about pregnancy/babies during my pregnancy).
Then the next day after having read all 8 pages as requested:
"Oh, it's like they stold that chapter out of my head."
So, now I think we're on the same page with what I expect in the labor process which is great and whatnot. Although I am not requesting a present, which was in the book...although maybe I'll get permission to buy a fancy pair of brown flat boots (I'm thinking riding boot style). But--dilema--I feel like I've been casually looking for some of these for a while and haven't actually been able to find that perfect pair. Also, by fancy I mean definitely under $200, preferably under $150, but I think I will be getting some help to pay for these for Christmas. So, audience, any leads on awesome brown riding boots???? I'm pretty firm on the flat part, since I will be chasing babies around and do not anticipate wanting to put on heels in the near future...
Monday, December 6, 2010
my first brush with the time out chair...
So this week in baby class we watched some videos about childbirth and "non-natural" routes that may need to be taken (inducing, epidural, episiotomy, forceps, c section, etc). But, seriously, who are these women who agree to have their births videotaped and made into instructional videos??? We saw way too much of these women--there was a close up of a nurse shaving one of them (which of course promted Jason to assure me that I will need to continue to maintain that area on my own). Although, I do understand wanting to, I don't even want that process videotaped for personal viewing much less to show the world.
Anyway, after watching the videos and reviewing we went on our hospital tour, where I totally missed Jason Schwartzman walking into the maternity recovery area (so congrats to him)--if only I were taller! There were people in front of me. Jason saw him and then rubbed it in my face the rest of the night, obviously.
So we're in one of the birthing rooms and there are two chairs in it and one woman sits down and the instructor says "ok, someone else can sit down," but no one really moves to sit, I'm thinking, eh, oh well, if someone wants to I'm sure they'll sit down at some point. I'm stading in front of the bed and ever so slightly lean forward (just looking around the room to see if anyone is going to sit) and the instructor sees me and says "NO, NOT ON THE BED, I don't want you to get in dirty. Go sit in the chair." Um, ok I guess, except that she was talking about the baby station that was on the other side of the room that you COULDN'T SEE FROM THE CHAIR. I thought I was being crazy, what with the hormones and whatnot, but Jason was the first one to say something about it, so it wasn't just me. In my face, apparently, I needed to be sitting...
Anyway, after watching the videos and reviewing we went on our hospital tour, where I totally missed Jason Schwartzman walking into the maternity recovery area (so congrats to him)--if only I were taller! There were people in front of me. Jason saw him and then rubbed it in my face the rest of the night, obviously.
So we're in one of the birthing rooms and there are two chairs in it and one woman sits down and the instructor says "ok, someone else can sit down," but no one really moves to sit, I'm thinking, eh, oh well, if someone wants to I'm sure they'll sit down at some point. I'm stading in front of the bed and ever so slightly lean forward (just looking around the room to see if anyone is going to sit) and the instructor sees me and says "NO, NOT ON THE BED, I don't want you to get in dirty. Go sit in the chair." Um, ok I guess, except that she was talking about the baby station that was on the other side of the room that you COULDN'T SEE FROM THE CHAIR. I thought I was being crazy, what with the hormones and whatnot, but Jason was the first one to say something about it, so it wasn't just me. In my face, apparently, I needed to be sitting...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Bay Area Baby Shower
Had a BUSY holiday weekend in the Bay Area where I also had my first baby shower--it was adorable and awesome. Check out the decor:
This was extra cute and my sister got baby pictures of Jason and me to put between the letters along with one of the first ultrasound pictures of baby parker.
There was an advice jar so that we could get some tips--and check out the really pretty flowers, my sister and mom went up to the flower mart in San Francisco the day before and made some great arrangements.
There was also a onesie decorating station where you could win a prize! Tom and Bridie won my pick--an awesome super-hero onesie with a cape and everything, that I, of course, do not have a picture of right me. And those super cute tissue paper puff balls were hung throughout the different areas of the shower.
And look at the cute flags too! Apparently my mom (hi mom on the left) cut out about a million of these fabric triangles, there were two more strips of these in the other room and she said there were still about 120 left over, since who knows how many would be needed for each strip of them...also, hi Jason on the right, he was very helpful in hanging everything on the ceiling--yay tall people, it would have taken ALOT longer without him.
I'll post a link to more pictures, and ones with actual people in them too once I get them--it was SO GOOD to see everyone since I don't get to as often as I would like.
This was extra cute and my sister got baby pictures of Jason and me to put between the letters along with one of the first ultrasound pictures of baby parker.
There was an advice jar so that we could get some tips--and check out the really pretty flowers, my sister and mom went up to the flower mart in San Francisco the day before and made some great arrangements.
There was also a onesie decorating station where you could win a prize! Tom and Bridie won my pick--an awesome super-hero onesie with a cape and everything, that I, of course, do not have a picture of right me. And those super cute tissue paper puff balls were hung throughout the different areas of the shower.
Here's the tables where all the food was served--and the food was SO GOOD. (and more adorable flowers of course) First there was spinach dip and french bread and crackers and yummy spreads, then the second course got served: quiches, belgin waffles, ham, muffins, croissants, bagles, berry fruit salad deliciousness! Of course after the shower started all of my picture-taking ended, but luckily my sister was on top of it, so perhaps I'll get to link to all of her pictures soon, which will be nicer pictures anyway because she has one of those fancy pants cameras that we need to get for adorable baby photo shoots and whatnot. So THEN, dessert got brought out: gelatto and biscotti, and it was really good gelato too (I heard it cured hangovers, not mine, since of course that would really not be appropriate, what with growing a person inside me and whatnot, but there was a high school reunion the night before, so do the math).
I'll post a link to more pictures, and ones with actual people in them too once I get them--it was SO GOOD to see everyone since I don't get to as often as I would like.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Baby Class #2
When Harry Met Sally is a great movie, I could totally go for watching it right now...especially since I got to relive one of the scenes in awkward detail...So, after the "performance" in class #1 I was truly, only expecting an informative and PG class #2. However, while showing us some "breathing techniques" our instructor showed us (of course) how we could make noises while we breathe in order to distract ourselves from the watermelons exiting our bodies. So, picture it, diner scene, When Harry Met Sally, total re-enactment. Moaning, of course on the ground leaned over the back of a chair.
I really wonder if she realizes how uncomfortable everyone in the class is...or maybe it's just me and Jason?
I really wonder if she realizes how uncomfortable everyone in the class is...or maybe it's just me and Jason?
Friday, November 19, 2010
In Other Way Better News
I love baking. I've grown a bit more lazy lately, but I suppose growing a person will do that to you. I baked a whole dessert buffet at my wedding and I think it turned out great (even though I curiously forgot to eat, but that's really beside the point). However, when baking, Jason and I usually don't finish an entire recipe's-worth of stuff so it gets brought into work and...
I have received my first offical order for cupcakes earlier this week and I'm very excited about it. Yay extra income! I will be providing 4 dozen red velvet cupcakes for a co-worker's Thanksgiving feast. Luckily, this year I am not hosting Thanksgiving (I will be going up to the Bay Area where not only do I get to see my family, but also get an awesome baby shower thrown by my sister and mom--pictures and awesomeness recap to follow), so I won't be baking these AND everything else, which makes me even happier.
good times
I have received my first offical order for cupcakes earlier this week and I'm very excited about it. Yay extra income! I will be providing 4 dozen red velvet cupcakes for a co-worker's Thanksgiving feast. Luckily, this year I am not hosting Thanksgiving (I will be going up to the Bay Area where not only do I get to see my family, but also get an awesome baby shower thrown by my sister and mom--pictures and awesomeness recap to follow), so I won't be baking these AND everything else, which makes me even happier.
good times
Ok, everyone around me (though, not actually the people who will be reading this): Correct, I am NOT DUE TILL THE END OF FEBRUARY. Oh, you think I'm giant? Am I sure it's not till the end of February? Is it twins in there? Great. Yes. No. Oh, you only gained 12 pounds when you were pregnant? That's so super awesome for you.
Yeah, people have been very vocal about their feelings about my size, and mostly all at work, which is extra weird because then I have to be on my good work behavior. I may just be extra annoyed because of all the extra hormones and whatnot floating around, but really, in what other situation is it ok to say how big someone is now? Do I reply back about their weight gain/outfit/hair choices? Obviously not, although we'll see as time goes on...
Yeah, people have been very vocal about their feelings about my size, and mostly all at work, which is extra weird because then I have to be on my good work behavior. I may just be extra annoyed because of all the extra hormones and whatnot floating around, but really, in what other situation is it ok to say how big someone is now? Do I reply back about their weight gain/outfit/hair choices? Obviously not, although we'll see as time goes on...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
At least she didn't start to strip
So we went to our first prepared childbirth class this past Sunday. Overall, just fine. We reviewed the stages of birth, did some relaxation technique, and then the instructor showed us how to move to position the baby during labor so that he comes out easier...So she said that your should lean forward (in any position), then move your hips around (back and forth, in circles, etc.). Ok, no problem. So she has all the women get up and do this while leaning slightly forward on the back ok a chair. Ok, no problem. But then, she wants to show us this movement, like a slow belly dance, in literally every forward-leaning position that she can think of, she gets down on all fours and circles her hips, then she puts her elbows down on the ground and does it with her butt extra up in the air, then she leans over a chair, then she leans farther over the chair, then stands up and does it, then she presses herself up against the wall and does it some more. I was watching thinking, hmm, is this really needed this many times, but all the men were really trying not to watch and all looked VERY uncomfortable...
Monday, November 15, 2010
So progress has definitely been made. All the fabric is on the frames, there's a painted dresser and a fully functioning rocking chair! (And a crib that has been there for a little while, but there's a picture of that too since most people haven't seen it)
Here's the dresser I painted, it used to be my grammie's and was kind of a grass green color with bits of gold in it, but that didn't quite go with the rest of the colors in the room:
I think it turned out pretty good and it's ready to be filled up with super cute baby things :)
And finally the crib:
Also this weekend, we went to our first Prepared Childbirth class, so more to come on that one...
Friday, November 12, 2010
ok then
So, at the urging of my very good friend Dawn Marie I will be writing to update all on things I'm doing to get ready for the baby (I'm pregnant, it's not just a baby I'm going to steal from someone) that will be arriving at the end of February, as well as other goings-on, but since it is getting into baby crunch time, it will probably be mostly that stuff for the time being...
so, that said, I'm decorating a baby room! I know, super exciting and original. But, in an attempt to be crafty, and since I have an awesome husband (Jason from now on, referring to him as "husband" kind of makes me feel old, and even though I kind of am, I'm going to just go ahead and delay that) that can build things (not that this is really a good example of the extent of his expertise), I have decided to get crafty in there. So, at first I saw this nursury, which is of course after I became super obsessed with looking at all of the nursury tours--it's like crack! Also, obsessed with: the ridiculous awesomeness of the rocking chair in that room, I would freak out if I owned that, sadly, it's like $1,000, so no awesome rocking chair for me...not that one anyway.
But I was going to do it with felt cutouts of birds instead of fish--this bird. But then Jason (see so much better and younger!) was worried that gluing all of those birds to the wall might actually wreck the wall, which I can kind of see, so then I saw this one and decided that I would kind of marry the two together, so I had Jason build me some wooden frames to stretch fabric over (also different prints, but in shades of yellow & orange) and I'm going to sew the birds onto those, but with yarn, so that you can still kind of see it, so I'm hoping it will turn out like it looks in my head, because it looks super cute in my head. So we'll see.
Jason built the frames a couple of days ago and I finished buying the fabric last night and most of the birds cut out, so I cut out all of the fabric to the right sizes last night. I was going to attach the fabric to the frames myself, but apparently it will work better to use the neumatic (sp?) stapler rather than just the regular staple gun, which Jason is also going to do. Kind of a bummer because I hate making plans to do productive things and then not get them done because it makes me feel like a totally lame and not productive person, so even though I was just planning on attaching the fabric to the frames tonight--nothing more, I didn't even do that. I totally suck at life. Anywhoodle, then I'm going to hand those on the wall & plot out where I'm going to attache the birds when they're on the wall so that they flow nicely and whatnot.
So that's where I am with that.
so, that said, I'm decorating a baby room! I know, super exciting and original. But, in an attempt to be crafty, and since I have an awesome husband (Jason from now on, referring to him as "husband" kind of makes me feel old, and even though I kind of am, I'm going to just go ahead and delay that) that can build things (not that this is really a good example of the extent of his expertise), I have decided to get crafty in there. So, at first I saw this nursury, which is of course after I became super obsessed with looking at all of the nursury tours--it's like crack! Also, obsessed with: the ridiculous awesomeness of the rocking chair in that room, I would freak out if I owned that, sadly, it's like $1,000, so no awesome rocking chair for me...not that one anyway.
But I was going to do it with felt cutouts of birds instead of fish--this bird. But then Jason (see so much better and younger!) was worried that gluing all of those birds to the wall might actually wreck the wall, which I can kind of see, so then I saw this one and decided that I would kind of marry the two together, so I had Jason build me some wooden frames to stretch fabric over (also different prints, but in shades of yellow & orange) and I'm going to sew the birds onto those, but with yarn, so that you can still kind of see it, so I'm hoping it will turn out like it looks in my head, because it looks super cute in my head. So we'll see.
Jason built the frames a couple of days ago and I finished buying the fabric last night and most of the birds cut out, so I cut out all of the fabric to the right sizes last night. I was going to attach the fabric to the frames myself, but apparently it will work better to use the neumatic (sp?) stapler rather than just the regular staple gun, which Jason is also going to do. Kind of a bummer because I hate making plans to do productive things and then not get them done because it makes me feel like a totally lame and not productive person, so even though I was just planning on attaching the fabric to the frames tonight--nothing more, I didn't even do that. I totally suck at life. Anywhoodle, then I'm going to hand those on the wall & plot out where I'm going to attache the birds when they're on the wall so that they flow nicely and whatnot.
So that's where I am with that.
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