So progress has definitely been made. All the fabric is on the frames, there's a painted dresser and a fully functioning rocking chair! (And a crib that has been there for a little while, but there's a picture of that too since most people haven't seen it)

Argh, can't get the picture to rotate, but I suppose since it's just pictures of squares/rectangles, it's still not too bad...and of course there's the bright orange wall behind them. Not to worry the rest of the walls are a nice pale grey, so the whole room isn't really intense.
Here's the dresser I painted, it used to be my grammie's and was kind of a grass green color with bits of gold in it, but that didn't quite go with the rest of the colors in the room:

I think it turned out pretty good and it's ready to be filled up with super cute baby things :)

Here's the rocking chair that we so generously got from our friends Laura & Ryan (bummer about that rotation again--I'll have to remember that in the future to only take pictures hamburger ways). Since it had been sitting in their garage for quite some time and is actually really old, it was a little wobbly, so Jason took it apart and sanded and bondo-d and what not and put it back together and painted it. At some point I'm going to make a cushion for it since I'm sure I'll be spending plenty of time in it in the middle of the night, but that just wasn't going to happen this weekend.
And finally the crib:

All I did for this one was put it back together, but I do enjoy it, and I'm sure it will look even cuter when there's actually some bedding in it...
Also this weekend, we went to our first Prepared Childbirth class, so more to come on that one...
The rocking chair looks like it turned out great! Hooray for baby room progress!