I was in the most confusing situation that turned completely back to normal by the end of the night yesterday. So Roscoe, most adorable dog in the world:
got an eye infection last week. I took him to the vet (on New Year's Eve and I have to say I was pretty surprised that they were open) and got him some medicine...and the whole trip which took about 20 minutes, but which did include the medicine, was $140! I really need to find a more economical vet. Anyway, Roscoe has to get this medicine (which is not a liquid, mind you, it's more of a gel consistency) squirted in his eyes 3 times a day and then smushed around so as to disburse it. However, since I give him a treat after he gets his medicine, and because Roscoe loves treats so much, I swear he looks forward to getting globby gel smushed around in his eyes. I call out "medicine time" and Roscoe comes running and jumps onto my lap (I know, I'm very spoiled).
Yesterday morning I gave Roscoe his first dose of medicine and then set the tube of stuff on the coffee table before I went to work. No problem. I figured why would Roscoe mess with it, it's not food, and seemingly not fun to chew on. But when I got home from work, and went to give Roscoe his second dose of the day, the medicine was not on the coffee table. It was not under the coffee table. It was not in one of the drawers of the coffee table. It was not under the couch or bookshelf or in the cushions of the couch or under Roscoe's pillow or on the dining room floor, bathroom floor, kitchen floor, etc. I looked ALL OVER. Granted, all over isn't that big since our house is actually tiny, but when you're bending over and looking under things and getting back up again and you're giant sized, it seems a lot bigger. It wasn't anywhere. And this is super special $140 medicine--WHERE COULD IT BE??? So I gave up for a bit, and a few hours later, Roscoe comes prancing into the living room carrying the medicine from who knows where he stashed it, not chewed up or harmed in any way and looks at me like...hello, where's my treat already?
I was in the kitchen last night and noticed that Schue had gotten really quiet... I look out to the living room and he's just sitting on top of the coffee table. Just sitting there, looking around like "hmm, the view is different from here". He looked so confused when I yelled "get down!". Such funny little guys.