Baby Leroy, you are already 6 1/2 months old and you have changed so much since the little lump you started out as. I realized today that I've already forgotten a bunch of the adorable little quirks that you used to do and have now grown out of.
That said, your current favorite thing to do is stare at your dad or me while we shake your heads, then nod, then shake, then nod...quickly. It kind of makes us dizzy (and your dad want to throw up a little), but this makes you laugh so hard and it is too friggin cute for words. Half the time when we shake our heads and wait a minute, you'll shake your head too.
We have a lovely morning routine that you seem to like and I know I love. You wake up and I make your bottle and some coffee for me while you watch your under the sea soothie thing in your crib. Then when i come to change your diaper, you give me the biggest smiles ever and wave your hands and kick your feet. Even when i REALLY do not feel Ike getting up in the morning, this is so cute I'm always smiling by this point. You eat your bottle then it's time for cuddles. I may like this part more than you, but you put up with it so I'm going to continue it for as long as I can. After I've gotten as many cuddles as I can squeeze out of you, you get to watch your 'Your Babay Can Read' video and I get approximately 27 minutes and 30 seconds of free time to do whatever I want. Then I tuck you into the moby wrap and we take Roscoe for a walk around the neighborhood until you fall asleep, then into your swing for the first nap of the day, which is usually the longest one.
Your favorite sound to make is ridiculous fart noises while you blow spit bubbles. It is ridiculous.
Love you so much boo boo bear